Delivering Campaigns with Clout in 2019

As Communications professionals we are constantly being told how we are to be relied upon more than ever in 2019 to help shape a brand’s post-Brexit destiny. However, the fundamental challenges that we face are more paramount today than they ever were, with the main concern being Relevance.

Being relevant isn’t just jumping on the current vegan, neon-sign, unicorn, avocado toast band wagon, but delivering PR with a purpose, in line with business objectives, that resonates with a brand’s customers and is at the forefront of the news agenda.

Trends and Insights

Our creative team at 72Point utilises various tactics when brainstorming a client brief but often the most effective tactic is taking a step back and looking at the trends and insights that can help shape client strategy.

The ability to be agile in the ever changing news agenda is another trait that we must all continue to adopt to ensure survival – as so much about his year remains uncertain the ability to adapt and react quickly and effectively is paramount in delivering relevant thought-provoking work.

The 4 C’s

Some age old methods continue to remain relevant and an age old PR basic which we always rely upon, time after time when developing a campaign is the Four Cs:

  • Coherence – messages should be logically and clearly communicated with the campaign call to action at its core.
  • Consistency – All channels should reinforce the same message during that period.
  • Continuity – The message should be connected through time. The content shared does not have to be identical throughout but it should relate back to the core values and ideas, building on previous content.
  • Complementary – All activity should fit together to create an even stronger message. One piece of content should be strong in itself but should be made even stronger when read together with others.

This multi-faceted approach helps us build meaningful campaigns for our clients that deliver stand-out coverage. If Communications professionals are to play as a large a role in a brand’s destiny as our industry will have you believe, we must cement our position as the conscience of our clients’ organisations now more than ever, this means not being afraid to push back on irrelevant communications plans. After all 2019 is our time to shine and deal or no deal, at 72Point we’re excited to see how the next 12 months unfold.

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